Karames and Hydichuck Projects
Karames and Hydichuck Projects, spanning 118 sq km, share similarities with the Raven Horseshoe Deposit (Uranium Energy Corp, NYSE: UEC), which boasts 37.4 million pounds of U₃O₈. hosted within basement metaquartzites and pelitic rocks, averaging between 1,170 and 2,150 ppm U₃O₈. At least two uranium occurrences have been documented, including visible uraninite at Karames, found within the host paragneiss, a significant rock type at Horseshoe-Raven, yet these occurrences have not been thoroughly investigated or assayed. Additionally, sediment-hosted bornite mineralisation, indicative of copper, has been recorded to the south at Hydichuck, this potential has not been further explored or evaluated.
Figure 1. Location Map Karames & Hydichuck Projects
Figure 2. Karames and Hydichuck Projects geological setting in relation to the other nearby uranium deposits
Figure 3: Airborne radiometric uranium images of Karames Project (left) and Hydichuck Project (right) showing the association with Saskatchewan government compilation EM anomalies shown as black lines